Chefs are heroes — like those in our Conscious Kitchens, serving breakfast and lunch t
o the most vulnerable children in our community. Kids have depended on our Conscious Kitchen school food program for critical daily nutrition over the past seven years, which has not changed in the face of Coronavirus school closures. We haven’t skipped one meal service, now looking to expand to offer takeaway lunches and dinners for families amid rising need locally due to the prolonged crisis and spiking unemployment. Scratch-cooked from all organic ingredients (like always!), much of which is purchased from local farms and food purveyors, today’s hot meal of pasta with marinara sauce, roasted broccoli and fresh fruit was a hit — only possible because of the ongoing commitment and heroic efforts of farmers, truck drivers, warehouse operators, grocery store workers, janitors and cooks who are on the frontlines keeping our country operational amid the outbreak. Here’s to Chef Guillaume, Chef Armando, Chef Carlos, the entire team, SMCSD district leadership and volunteers at Willow Creek and Bayside MLK in Marin City! It takes a village — and we’re all responsible to help those in need in our own backyards. Thank you for supporting us to support our farmers and workers and cooks to support a healthy next generation.